2010年10月10日 星期日

Synology NFS Server

Synology CS407e

Samba is too slow, AFP does not reconnect after network error.

Using NFS, tcp or udp, while playing HD contents on the server, and try to access the nfs volume, it blocks for a while.

Solution, create more nfsd daemon.


#To create 16 nfs servers
/usr/sbin/nfsd 16

To see server loading


th 16 261 2.256 2.056 3.144 1.404 3.564 3.820 1.556 2.408 1.696 14.924

16 threads, used the last thread 261 times.
2.256 seconds uses 10% of the 16 threads
2.056 seconds uses 20% of the 16 threads

