2010年10月19日 星期二

Get OpenBSD/NetBSD Latest Install ISO/sets via Rsync

The performance, maybe not a good way to get iso.

One big install iso

rsync -avz --progress rsync://ftp.estpak.ee/openbsd/snapshots/amd64/install48.iso .

240121856 100% 206.91kB/s 0:18:53 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)

Number of files: 1
Number of files transferred: 1
Total file size: 240121856 bytes
Total transferred file size: 240121856 bytes
Literal data: 139474432 bytes
Matched data: 100647424 bytes
File list size: 47
File list generation time: 2.846 seconds
File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 108569
Total bytes received: 139521735

sent 108569 bytes received 139521735 bytes 115159.01 bytes/sec
total size is 240121856 speedup is 1.72

boot iso and install sets

VER=`rsync rsync://nyftp.netbsd.org/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/|tail -n1|cut -d ‘:’ -f 3|cut -d ‘ ‘ -f 2`
rsync -avz --progress rsync://nyftp.netbsd.org/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/$VER/amd64/binary/sets/ ./sets/
rsync -avz --progress rsync://nyftp.netbsd.org/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/$VER/amd64/installation/cdrom/boot.iso .

Number of files: 20
Number of files transferred: 5
Total file size: 223682054 bytes
Total transferred file size: 69074290 bytes
Literal data: 67497874 bytes
Matched data: 1576416 bytes
File list size: 730
File list generation time: 30.022 seconds
File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 96373
Total bytes received: 67522725

sent 96373 bytes received 67522725 bytes 162741.51 bytes/sec
total size is 223682054 speedup is 3.31

The performance is not so good if you want to keep in sync often.
Possible reason see http://svana.org/kleptog/rgzip.html

2010年10月15日 星期五

2010年10月10日 星期日

Synology NFS Server

Synology CS407e

Samba is too slow, AFP does not reconnect after network error.

Using NFS, tcp or udp, while playing HD contents on the server, and try to access the nfs volume, it blocks for a while.

Solution, create more nfsd daemon.


#To create 16 nfs servers
/usr/sbin/nfsd 16

To see server loading


th 16 261 2.256 2.056 3.144 1.404 3.564 3.820 1.556 2.408 1.696 14.924

16 threads, used the last thread 261 times.
2.256 seconds uses 10% of the 16 threads
2.056 seconds uses 20% of the 16 threads

2010年10月8日 星期五

Yahoo 斷章取義 API


哥哥安唷 我叫小樂 目前讀大二
民國78年次 身高165cm 47kg 34c
最近家里經濟不好 出來做兼職
見面滿意約 ,ㄅ滿意可以ㄅ約* 愛愛 伴游 聊天 逛街 鐘點情人
ㄞㄞ 3000 2h全套服務 現金交易 ㄅ轉賬刷卡
ㄞㄞㄉ時候要帶套套ㄛ 單純交易.各取所需
有需要ㄉ哥哥加我MSN: @hotmail.com
可以在我相簿留電話給我, 我會第一時間聯絡妳ㄉ


鐘點##人 203.61894582528
哥哥 124.68604562448
滿意 98.457096577591
聊天 96.000808858899
小樂 94.645411353588
兼職 87.775598642351
希望 86.83604180972
援助 86.090431693226
愛愛 81.748683909361
單純 72.878584750222



希望 185.71838296432
聊天 170.81425651791
小樂 169.63149462119
兼職 162.70161315737
援助 161.0193089944
滿意 148.33799007289
單純 147.81485462203
哥哥 124.63040966573
鐘點 118.08395440453
愛愛 81.748683909361



sourceforge上面有java api可以用,提供中研院斷詞跟yahoo斷詞,但是沒有關鍵字這一項。